So finally got round to re-recording the song – there is an early recording elsewhere on this website. I knew I wanted to add more orchestration and am happy with the outcome! I had an idea of adding a string quartet,like in Yesterday, but pivoted from that and included synth and piano
All of this adds to the initial acoustic guitar vibe. The piano adds a dimension I think. Anyway, see what you think!
I’be retained the Spanish as well.
Your eyes I get lost in your eyes So deep inside I get washed away Dreaming that you're here to stay I touch your pretty face Kiss you softly.... Fingers play on your neck Fell the butterflies rise Why are you so far away When you sound so near? Reaching out across miles and miles of space You might be right here.... Feel your breath on me Feel your touch on me Feel your eyes look into mine Feel me wanting you Feel me loving you Feel your eyes look into mine I hold you so tight In my arms tonight Never wanting to let go Until the sun rises slow Why are you so far away When you sound so near? Reaching out across miles and miles of space You might be right here.... Siento tu aliento Siento tu caricia Siento tus ojos mirando a los mios Sientes que te deseo Sientes que te quiero Siento tus ojos mirando a los mios © Philip Hunt 2010